All-on-Four Dental Implants Guide

If you are considering all-on-four dental implants, you probably have plenty of questions. Whether you have already met with a dentist and need more information, or you are still in the exploratory phase, this guide will provide you with enough knowledge to determine if all-on-4 implants could be a solution…

The Dental Diet: Tips for Healthy Teeth

The food you eat greatly affects the health of your teeth and gums – for bad or good. While a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, grains and lean proteins benefit your overall health, there are also some specific foods and nutrients that can help prevent tooth decay and different…

Going To The Dentist After A Long Break

Whether you haven’t been to the dentist in a while due to the coronavirus pandemic, or for different reasons altogether, returning after a hiatus can be a little scary. Many people feel embarrassed about the state of their oral health, afraid that they won’t be able to afford the work…

Everything You Need To Know About Dental Implant Care

Dental implants are a great way to restore your natural smile and mouth function. A dental implant is a small post made of titanium that typically features a ceramic tooth that is designed to match your natural teeth. The implant is attached to a screw that is placed into the…

YES…It’s SAFE to go to the Dentist!

As the world begins to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that I’m often asked is “Do you think it’s safe to go to the Dentist?” My immediate answer is an overwhelming, “YES!” Dental offices are one of the SAFEST places you can be. Dentistry is a profession of obsessive-compulsive cleaners. Dental…

What Is The Best Type Of Toothbrush To Use?

As dentists, we are often asked “what is the best type of toothbrush to use”? The answer in short, is that any kind of toothbrush is better than no toothbrush. The ADA (American Dental Association) recommends brushing your teeth for two minutes, twice per day. The type of toothbrush that…

What to Expect at a Dentist Appointment

Planning a dental visit? If you are nervous about visiting a new dentist for the first time or haven’t had dental care in several years, it can help to know what to expect at a dentist appointment. No matter what your current dental health situation is, we can help you…

Can smoking cause dental implant failure?

The short answer is yes. In addition to the other known ill effects of smoking, studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of dental implant failure. At Elite Dentistry of Simi Valley we recommend smoking cessation prior to receiving dental implants. A dental implant is a device that is…

Developing Good Oral Habits

Along with genetic factors, your oral health heavily depends on your lifestyle and daily habits. Ignoring simple rules of oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental problems in the future such as tooth decay, gum disease, infection, bone loss, etc. Below we provide you with some tips to…

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